Into the Nyx V0.20R1 Pc/Apk Download

Into the Nyx V0.20R1 Pc/Apk Download
Game Overview

At the dawn of the 26th century the last hope to prevent the extinction of mankind lies lost and adrift on the star-ship Artemis. At least until your cryo-pod malfunctions and they wake you up that is. And let me tell you, Cryo-Interruption Trauma is a first rate bitch! Imagine being in the middle of the deepest, greatest sleep of your life and having someone douse you with ice water, blast air horns in both your ears, blind you with old time flash photography, warm you back up with a flame thrower, and then kick you in the groin so hard you feel like your testicles are in your throat! Slight disorientation my ass! But oh well, most of it goes away pretty quickly. And now I’m here, and they tell me that locked within my genomes may be the keys to saving life as we know it. Who knows, maybe I’ll be a hero, or make some new friends. If nothing else It should be one kick ass adventure. What the hell, It’s not like I’ve got anything better to do. So yeah, lets go Into The Nyx

Game Developer

The Coder | Patreon

Game Size

Windows: 908.84 MB Android: 177.29 MB

Game Installation

1 – Extract the files to a folder.
2 – Into the Nyx, run the game.

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